AMD Ready 'roar' with Leo

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010 di 19.31

After introducing the latest generation of chip Phenom Athlon II and II, AMD plans to showcase the latest variants of these products.

This hardware producers in roadmapnya will introduce a platform that uses a 45nm architecture, which is named Leo. Platform is intended for desktop AMD claimed running better than Intel Clarkdale that runs on 32nm.

Leo platform, the AMD is paired with a 6-core processor. This U.S. based company also hopes 'roar' Leo capable segarang previous platform, Dragon.

Nevertheless, told Engadget, Wednesday (27/1/2010), AMD platforms maintain attendance at the 32nm chip in 2011 named Scorpius.

Other products that are listed in the AMD CPU Bulldozer named Zambezi, which has the ability to 8 Core, and by AMD is the latest generation graphics solutions. As for desktop graphics solution for midrange, AMD offers Dorado platform that also will be released on the upcoming 2011.


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