Driver "Hack" Magic Mouse Apple To Work on Windows

Senin, 23 November 2009 di 19.09
Recently emerged Magic Mouse from Apple. Mouse adopt advanced technology of the iPhone touch screen is quite mengemparkan for sophistication. Magic Mouse is designed for Apple husus was sold at a price of $ 69 on Apple official site.

Many computer users like using this mouse. But some people are constrained because the Magic Mouse support only on Apple computers only.

KabarIT launched from Uneasysilence, to fulfill that desire, a hacker make Magic Mouse drivers to run on Windows computers. Not only for Windows 32 bit, but also drivers for 64 Bit.

Change or Die

di 19.02
Organizations must make changes to adjust to the competitive lingkungaanya. Changes to do with about making something else. Technology, competition, economic shocks, social change, the labor force and world politics is a force driving change. Advanced information technology can change the way competitive, thus increasing the company's competitive advantage. Yet the CEO of Unilever, Floris A. Maljers says "the biggest obstacle companies face in the face of globalization is the limited human resources, not lack of capital".

In the book Why Companies Fail, Mark Ingebretsen says "Companies need to predict the future to detect trends that they must deal if they want to continue to generate profits. Companies also need to design ways to mengadapsi products and their services in order to reach consumer groups that have not been defined. The most important of all this, companies must realize the fact that large-scale change is the norm, while the changes that shook the world are part of the new norm. Therefore they must direct the strategy for dealing with change. September 11 attacks by showing how a tragic event changes everything, sometimes overnight. "Successful leader supple and flexible action in the face of change. In fact, he was pleased with the changes that touched him most deeply.

Most companies die, because subordinates should always follow leaders who never changes. The historian, Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., in his book Strategy and Structure advances American companies, because she wants to make changes, especially in the management system. Chandler examined four major American companies, namely General Electric, Du-Pont, Standard Oil company, and Exxon. Willingness to change from the CEO of four companies that make these companies survive today.

Employees are rice, while the management style is lauknya. Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric when it says "We're risking something for our people, then we need to empower them, give them the resources and out of trouble by using them". Jack Welch to invest half the time with employees, so he knew them, talked with them about the problems the company, praising them presented good performance, but chided them when their performance falls. He knows about 1000 employees who have good ideas and have responsibilities for their work. Personal approach that made Jack Welch told employees that produce extraordinary kasil on performance improvement. "If you win, we all win" so said Welch. That sebabya 27,000 employees own shares of General Electric. In 2001, General Electric was selected as "The Most Admired Company in the World" ranked first version of Fortune. "The two greatest corporate leaders of this century are Alfred Sloan of General Motors and the Jack Welch of General Electric. And Welch's will be bigger than both, because planning a new paradigm, contemporary, for the corporate model used for the 21 century, "said Noel Tichy, University of Machigan, long analysts Wech managerial style. Thus, whether we will make a change or die?


Jumat, 20 November 2009 di 21.46

Before the advent of dual core technology, AMD Mastering the world's fastest processor.
But after the technology emerged and the other dual core, AMD increasingly left behind.
However, this situation seems to be back soon change with the emergence of new chip technology forces made AMD.

On Wednesday (11/11) yesterday, AMD announced plans to force the emergence of a new chip from AMD with names such as Bulldog, Bulldozer, Danube, Brazos and Ontario.

Attacks begin with AMD in the launch of high-end graphics chip with the name of Hemlock. No half-tangung, this chip consists of two GPUs that can provide a graphical computing power of 5 teraflops. Hemlock sold the next week with prices starting at $ 400 to $ 500.

Quoted from KabarIT and Pc World, at around early next year, AMD is ready to launch four new processors with quad-core technology for notebook processor that can save energy up to support battery neotebook to 7 hours. And with the advent of processors with Six-Core technology for desktop computing end higt intended to Eyefinity AMD, multi-display and gamers.

AMD also plans to launch a new graphics chip with which the Llano. Llano is the first Fusion chip, and will have approximately one billion transistors and will be produced on 32-nanometer process.

Llano will appear for a laptop graphics in 2011 as part of a platform called the Sabine, which will have a four-core CPU and DDR3 memory support and DirectX 11 graphics. For the mainstream desktop, Llano will appear in about the same time. Llano for desktops will be launched on a platform that called Lynx, which will also support DDR3 memory and include up to four CPU cores.

There are at least 4 other chips will be launched at the beginning of next year:

* - Six-core desktop processor for PC enthusiasts known as Leo, with DirectX 11 graphics and AMD Eyefinity technology, which allows gamers to use a computer screen for a wider field of vision,
* - A major desktop chip called a Dorado which will have integrated graphics and is offered in a dual, triple and quad-core version,
* - Dual-core 45-nanometer chip known as the Nile for ultrathin notebook, which aims to provide more than seven hours of battery life with DirectX 11 discrete graphics and DirectX 10.1 support for the IGP, and
* - A quad-core notebook chip mainstream Danube that aims to provide a seven-hour battery and supports DirectX 10 IGP, DirectCompute and OpenCL acceleration.

STMIK AMIKOM achieve two awards Telkom Smart Campus Award 2009

Senin, 09 November 2009 di 21.57

STMIK AMIKOM achieve two awards Telkom Telkom Smart Campus Award (TeSCA) 2009 for the category of Platinum High School and a special award category Digitalpreneur Incubation. Awards are given together to the 153 anniversary of Telkom and the Grand Lounch New Telkom Indonesia, Friday (23/10) in Jakarta Teater Jakarta. Thus entitled STMIK AMIKOM mendapakan Reward cash gift funds for the development of ICT and Linkind Reward 5 Mbps of bandwidth from Telkom.

Attending the award Setiyanto Arief, S. Si, MT accompanied Jaeni, S. Kom STMIK AMIKOM together representing 17 other nominee who has competed from 231 universities throughout Indonesia. "Alhamdulillah, this award is all the hard work Civitas STMIK AMIKOM and we hope that this award could push to improve creativity and innovation in the utilization of Information Technology" Said Jaeni, S. Kom Involvement Committee Chairman TESCA AMIKOM in 2009. Jaeni not forget to say many thanks for your participation in the participation of all parties in TeSCA STMIK AMIKOM 2009 so that the event can go smoothly and be able to achieve pengharagaan.

Excerpted from the FB Setiyanto Arief, S. Si, MT Innovation Center director STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta also expressed his thanks to all the teams who build the technology in STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta.

Courtesy Meeting.

Before the award ceremony, on the same day has been held nominee TeSCA Courtesy Meeting 2009 at the Four Season Hotel Jakarta. The event was attended by the leadership ranks of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom), the jury, and Assesor Team Nominee. The nominees are, among others, the Institut Teknologi Bandung, Institut Teknologi Telkom, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Polytechnic Telkom, STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Yogyakarta YKPN STIE, STIKOM Surabaya, Yogyakarta STMIK AMIKOM, STMIK-Poltek PalComTech, UIN Malang Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UNIKOM, Bina Nusantara University, Gunadarma University, University of Indonesia, in March Eleven University of Surakarta, and the University of North Sumatra.

On the occasion provided an opportunity testimonial from the winner of Best of the Best 2008 by the rector TESCA Binus and several representatives testomoni nominees. Tesca is one of the programs offered Indigo Award Telkom Indonesia to college on his success in the penetration of ICT to improve education.

A total of 231 colleges that follow the second contest was held by Telkom. On the occasion Director of Enterprise & Wholesale PT Telkom Arif Yahya explained, TeSCA held as a form of commitment and responsibility in encouraging the utilization of Telkom's information and communication technology in education. In addition, he added, also became shape TeSCA Telkom appreciation to the creative human being of his contributions to the development of ICT is also supporting the development progress of the Indonesian economy.

The Political news Slank support KPK

Minggu, 08 November 2009 di 20.14

The music pesonel Slank still high and rely trust in the Commission. Criminalization of a number of leadership that will not dampen her support for the eradication of legal institutions that are respected.

This revelation made Bimbim, Slank frontman, the music-themed concert Healthy Indonesia''''Fight Corruption Indonesia held Love Love KPK (Cicak) in Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI), Jakarta, Sunday (8 / 11) yesterday. In fact, the band presented the Commission with the courage to sing five songs at once to entertain thousands of participants in the action. "We remain positive thinking alone. KPK remain on our chests and hearts. KPK for us is the one hope for the nation. Slank ready there in front, in the middle and behind the KPK," said Bimbim.

The event was also attended by several community leaders. Among Effendy Ghazali, Leonardo Saefullah Fatah, Teten Masduki, Bambang Harrymurti, Budiarto Shambazy and others. This concert artist himself rang dozens of capital. Thousands of visitors who come are part of one million facebookers which provides support for seed Samad Rianto and Chandra M Hamzah.

Bimbim disclosed, the Commission could be likened to an oasis in the desert. Thus, the nation's crisis of confidence in Indonesia against two law enforcement agencies that police and prosecutors in the eradication of corruption. In the midst of unbelief, the Commission has come to realize is little hope of the people by dragging the corruptors indiscriminately into the jail. Oasis''it is the Commission. KPK's courage, we share with our songs,''he said.

Bimbim disclosed, as an artist, he must speak. Do not be a silent party (silent majority). Looking ahead, she with Slank planning to make a song more associated with the conflict versus Crocodile Cicak this. ''I actually want to keep fighting for crocodile komodo dragons. Cicak is not level (inappropriate) crocodile,''said Bimbim smile.

Meanwhile, one million pencentus ideas to support Seeds facebooker-Chandra, Usman Yasin, states want to raise the Century Bank scandal that until now has not been completed for diadvokasi in the social networking site facebook. "We will make the Bank Century as the main agenda we bring to the discussion of the virtual world and to the KPK," he said in the concert program.

Usman Yasin sure case of Century Bank as may be reasonably suspected meruncingnya beginning of hostilities between the Commission and the Police.

UI political observers said Effendy Ghazali Hearings Meeting (RDP) between the Police and the Commission III of the House some time ago showed the parliament had not toothed. House of Representatives today was not like the people's voice connector, but has become part of those who support the person to mengkriminalisasikan Commission. "We Parliament today that Facebook," he said with a high tone. (kmb4/010)
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